Original photo of the witness
Zoom in the photo
On the photography asking question, we can observe a background object, standing out full sky, slightly vague, maybe because of its speed of movement (what would be compatible with the fact that the witness noticed nothing visually in its environment at the time of the realization of the photography). It seems of metallic aspect (color aluminum) and reflects the sunlight. The testimony was investigated by the gendarmerie, which for the needs of its investigations proceeded to a statement GPS of the place where was held the photographer. The azimuth and the angular height of the object were then esteemed from the details of the visible landscape in the picture. With these data in hand, the staffs serving the civilian radar installations (Nice) and the military radar installations (Sector of Grasse) were sought by the gendarmerie for check of their recordings. And there, surprised! The equipments of both sites effectively obtained a similar radar echo. We give a wide outline of this investigation in our second documentary movie " UFOs and crop circle 2 ".
The witness interviewed by Pierre Beake and Pascal Carron on the scene of his unusual recording. The bell tower is very visible background.
In April 17th, 2007, RR2 between Vence and St Jeannet. This recent event was reported to us by the intervention of Patrick Langouët which, within the framework of its professional activities, knows personally and for a long time the eyewitness. This last one is a lady of about fifty years, senior executive in the banking environment, which wishes to keep the anonymity. We shall call her afterward MMG. Story of the facts: At the time of the arisen of the event, this person is in its place of residence, situated in a small lot in a hilly sector between the municipalities of Vence and St Jeannet. She settled down in her small garden, on a bench leaned at the house, to take the cool, and smoke a cigarette. Her glance sweeps the starry sky of this beginning of evening. The weather conditions are very clement. It is 9:40 pm, when the witness has its attention attracted by a bright ball of yellow color evolving in high height and at a brisk pace according to a north-south directed rectilinear trajectory. She follows the evolution of this appearance some seconds. Suddenly, she diverts the head for an unexplained reason, what allows her to discover another bright phenomenon appeared of "nowhere" which tumbles down such a high-speed missile. This appearance follows a horizontal trajectory at low height directed contrary to the first phenomenon, namely by the South northward (according to an axis St Laurent of the Var - St Jeannet). It glances through a kindling extending in front of the lot, before making a light bend and turning in the direction of the witness. The bright ball which is of yellow color passes next to a pine, to come to stand still brutally (with a small movement of stabilization) in approximately three or four meters of the witness, behind a hedge, separating a small road of its small garden. Only the base of the phenomenon is masked by the vegetation. The very fast approach was made without that the slightest noise from the "thing" is audible. MMG remains taken aback by this sudden appearance. The phenomenon having stood still, changes aspect. Of the shape of a ball it takes the aspect of a star with irregular branches on its suburb. The change of shape, which is preceded by a small dry banging, takes place in the style of one smells which opens and spreads its petals! Branches postpone one of the other one by the aspect, shape and size. The outlines of " the object " are perfectly clear, in spite of the intense yellow light emitted by this one. This light neither is fluctuating, nor varies a color.
The drawing realized by the witness. The colors are reconstituted by the investigators according to the supplied indications and to their interpretation. it cannot aspire to a rigorous conformity.
The witness is dazzled, neither feels particular physical sensations from this singular appearance (nor heat, nor smell, nor noise). According to the available landmarks, the witness estimates the size of the appearance at approximately large-scale two meters. One of the branches captivates more particularly the attention of MMG. It is of orange color, and its surface seems comparable to the aspect of a sponge, with a whole series of irregularities hollow (sensation of relief). The extremity of this branch ends by species of stub. It is also the most important branch in terms of dimensions. It is directed to the right part of the object, the side road. A branch of more modest dimension presents a similar aspect on the opposite side (side small garden). During its phase of immobility, the phenomenon remains totally silent. In spite of the unusual character of this brutal appearance, MMG, which did not move her bench, feels much to her surprise a big peace of mind, a feeling of inexplicable love (is this perception led by the phenomenon? Does it wish to reassure the witness?)
MMG showing the place where had stood still the phenomenon
Thierry Masson giving technical explanations for Pierre and Patrick.
Photo extracted from the video sequence, with reconstruction of the trajectory of the UFO
" Three stones " with in background the “Colle des Pouis”