Overview of the plateau of the idols, with in the South, “Puy de Tourettes” (Photo taken since the summit of “Colle des Pouis”)
What region in France does not have nowadays its little story of ghost, white lady or UFO that is being told in the winter while we are comfortably sitting by the fire ? The Vence Pass, in the Alpes Maritimes, France, obeys the same rules.
Located approximately 30 Km away from Nice, at an altitude of 1000 m, isolated but easy to access by car, the Vence Pass seems to be the ideal place for walking, for a ride or a ramble, mountain bike, horse riding or the studying of its fauna and flora as well as its stones and rocks with unusual shapes.
Once the riders have reached the top they access a beautiful sight. You can see most of the Côte d’Azur, from Italy to Cannes and sometimes, although rarely, Corsica.
Still, the Vence Pass is a place full of both history and mystery. It was once occupied by the Nemesis, the Romans, then by the Templars who raised St Barnabé’s Chapel there.
More recently, in 1979, a sect settled there and was determined to make contact with extraterrestrial entities.
At that time, some rumor said that the devotees would practice some animal sacrifice rituals.
Alerted by the local people, the constabulary force had to step in.
The sect finally abandonned the place, leaving mysterious symbols engraved in the rock that we even tried to decipher.
To add to the already existing atmosphere, just imagine tourism plane crashes, often unexplained, the burnt out shells of which will remain melted in the rock for ever!
Let’s specifically talk about these rocks : standing stones, lost between the sky and the earth, with strange reliefs that give a particular atmosphere to this place through their shapes.
What mystery surrounds this strange place, so peaceful in the daytime and so enigmatic at night, scattered through with underground galleries, caves and deep underground streems and rivers.
Overview of the site taken since the slopes of “Puy de Tourettes”
It is always an emotional shock to penetrate into the heart of this magical place.
Everytime you feel as if you were suddenly teletransported to the Moon, to Egypt or Peru.
Without knowing anything from the history of the place, you feel at the very bottom of your heart that the ground you are treading upon is a sacred place in all eternity.
All your body starts vibrating along with these incredibly shaped stones that the hands of a giant seem to have moulded, leaving there fingerprints on the rock as if in the time the rock was still molten.
Geologists will tell you in a more prosaic way that the surface of the plateau has the aspect of a gigantic Karst, i.e. of a kind of plain entirely modeled by water, all rock shapes being due to erosion.
No matter how right they should be.
The feeling remains in your heart and you end up doubting: is the erosion the only responsible factor of this startling scenery?
At the bend of a path, you do see indeed a dromedary, a monkey head, a sphinx looking just as the egyptian ones do!
You then perfectly easily conceive why the original people were attracted by this enchanting climate. Before the Romans’ arrival, this area used to be inhabited by the Nemesis, a tribe belonging to the Ligures branche, which existence is confusingly mixed with legend.
The Nemesis would have taken refuge on the Plateau while pursued by the Romans.
We still find nowadays tracks of this flight among very old written documents.
Today, when carefuly searching, you can still find roman columns, almost intact, strewed on the ground, unless this should also be due to erosion?...
While entering the Vence Pass plateau, marks vanish, and you have to bring yourself to abandon all kind of certainty.
First visit
It all started in 1979 for Pierre Beake.
It is the year when he discovered the Vence Pass.
Along with a few friends, he had decided to go on site to search for a wild place for rambles, night gatherings and pic-nics.
Nothing could let them know that a few years later this place would become one of the most famous sites in the circle of the odd fanatics. At that time, this place was not frequently visited.
During 15 years, not much ever happened.
With some of his friends, on the spot, Pierre had made strange observations in the sky and collected several testimonies through the years.
All this was weird but too brief to hold them spellbound and let them come to any kind of serious conclusion regarding the observed phenomenons.
One evening in March 1994, all this changed and Pierre Beake’s life was transformed as if upon that evening, the phenomenon inhabiting the place had suddendly decided to reveal itself to all of us.
The event of March 5th, 1994
If the Vence Pass is nowadays so famous worldwide, Pierre must admit that he has a part of responsability in it: the next day of this evening of March 1994, he did indeed go, along with one of his friends and witnesses, to the constabulary in order to give a testimony. The police brigade confirmed all he would say would be confidential.
It is important to underline that the constabulary is the only administration authorized to collect the testimonies of UFOs or other unexplained phenomenons.
Next day, "Nice-Matin" newspaper had seized the topic, followed by the AFP, radios and other TV channels.
We are, on the contrary, used to these kinds of unexplained phenomenons.
At the Vence Pass, it is common that cars break down without reason, that batteries or camcorder go suddenly unloaded or that cameras get jammed.
Other disturbing fact: some tracks on the ground, weird and showing round shapes do often appear during the night, on various parts of the Idols Plateau.
These circles remain visible for months without vegetation to grow again on them.
Even during winter time, the snow cannot stick on them.
We still carry on our evening vigils nowadays, still hoping to capture the UFO again on pictures.
Other strange phenomenons
The Vence Pass is therefore the scene of various manifestations.
While walking along the plateau, you can sometimes hear the heady noise of an electrical engine in the sky, passing by again and again just above our heads.
Also, there are these more or less spectacular stone falls, sometimes aggressive, that fall from who knows where.
Most of the time, there are no consequences and we pull through with a good fright.
These manifestations seem to render a sort of irritation or aggravation from the part of the intelligence inhabiting the Vence Pass.
Most of the time, they intervene after having been incited by something we have done, and sometimes they seem to be willing to frighten the few guests we have brought along with us on site and who were too incredulous.
The result is relentlessly the same one: an immediate flight.
It sometimes happens that stones continue to fall on cars even after we have left and driven for several kms. Also, there are these materialization and unmaterialization of stones.
Or even these fires starting at the Col, which origin cannot be determined. Some of them even start during plain winter, in the middle of the snow.
The media talk about it and then forget. A maze of rocks affected in the restless forms. In the background, the snowy slopes of “Cheiron” Conclusion
A maze of rocks affected in the restless forms. In the background, the snowy slopes of “Cheiron”
We know how unlikely the facts mentionned here can appear to certain critical minds. Our intention is not to convince.
These facts do exist and are real, our team knows it.
We experienced them many times and still continue today.
We simply ask to the skeptical minds not to judge the events that occur at the Vence Pass according their own conception of reality.
The secret of this longevity stands in a good dose of patience, motivation, outstanding trust and most of all, a friendship without fault, so rare in the sector of paranormal phenomenons.
It took us months to instore trust between us, even years of patience to come to this result.
We would like to ask all those who practice ufological tourism to respect the sites (private properties) and to speak with people who have really lived this story, not to the kind of curious ones coming on site to take advange and glory out of the others’ work.
With time, gossips end up changing the truth and only information gathered at the origin can garanty the authenticity of a work or true story.
After all these years of search, (all is archived) we still do not know who we are in contact with.
Neither do we know how these phenomenons can occur.
What is certain, is that some kind of intelligence exists at the Vence Pass, and has made a contact with us it its own way.
Plateau of the idols: a phantasmagorical view at day fall...